Arrival / Dismissal

Arrival Procedures

In the mornings both Crowder Blvd. and Hayne Blvd. are used for drop-offs. Hayne Blvd. entrance will open at 7:45 A.M., and the Crowder Blvd. gate will open at 7:45 A.M. and close at 8:25 A.M. Parents living to the east of the school must approach from Hayne Blvd. – not Crowder Blvd. If you live west of the school, please use the Crowder Blvd. drop-off area. Do not make a u-turn from Crowder into the front entrance gate between 7:45 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. – 3:15 P.M. This cuts off people waiting to turn into the yard from the east and is discourteous. The tardy bell will ring at 8:25 (again, this time maybe extended for the first few weeks). Any student arriving after the tardy bell must be signed in, and a parent must sign the tardy slip.

If your child is in Grade 3 or below, please see to it that your child wears a name tag on his or her person through September 30. No one will be accepted without this information on his or her clothing. In order for your child to be directed to the proper room in the morning and ushered to the correct area in the afternoon, it is of paramount importance that you adhere to the aforementioned. All pupils must have their parents check the form below relative to dismissal time and mail a copy to the school.

Dismissal Procedures

Pre-Kindergarten 2:10 PM Crowder
Kindergarten 2:20 PM Crowder
1st Grade 2:10 PM Hayne
2nd Grade 2:30 PM Crowder
3rd Grade 2:20 PM Hayne
4th Grade 2:30 PM Hayne
5th Grade 2:40 PM Hayne
6th Grade 2:50 PM Crowder
7th Grade 2:50 PM Hayne
8th Grade 3:00 PM Hayne
Multi-family carpools 3:00 PM Crowder


Please also follow these guidelines:

• Place student placard in your front windshield with the names and grades of each child riding in your carpool. Please come to the school office for a placard.

• Do not walk your child(ren) into or out the gates of the school. Drive through the car line as designated.

• If you arrive prior to your child's designated dismissal time, you must not stop in the driveway or schoolyard. You may park in a parking spot and check your child out through the office or circle the block until the appropriate time.

• Absolutely under no circumstances should you get out of the car with the engine still running.

• Please be courteous, patient, and safe.

***Should any emergency arise (hurricanes, extremely bad weather, etc.) please tune to the radio stations WWL-870 AM, WWL-105.3 FM and WTIX-690 or the Lake Castle Website,, for any announcements.