Although Lake Castle Private School opened in 1963, the principles upon which it was founded are as timely now as they were then: that an education that is second to none should be affordable to all, that achievement is really the best motivator for people, and that educators have a more significant role in students' lives than merely teaching curriculum. These may seem to be simple ideals; and, in fact, they are. We pride ourselves on that.
An advanced academic environment need not be financially unattainable for anyone. Money is not the key to a successful education; a structured environment with dedicated teachers and supportive parents is the key. Consistent but fair rules offer students a secure environment in which they can focus on learning. Teachers who really know and are passionate about their subjects inspire students to learn and love learning. Parents who believe in their children's abilities and expect them to use their talents instill pride in those children. When all of these factors work together, success follows. It is not an expensive recipe, but it is an effective one.

When students -- or really, people in general -- do achieve success, it is natural for them to want more. At Lake Castle, we find that is the best motivator for both students and our great faculty. When pre-kindergarten students read for the first time or second graders transition to writing in cursive, they beam with pleasure, not because someone gave them a treat or reward, but because they are proud of what they can do. In a similar way, teachers get real satisfaction in knowing children are going home each day knowing things they didn't know the day before simply because they taught it to them. Really, that is why we teach. It is an intangible that makes our job feel like the most important job in the world. Being in an environment in which success is expected is optimistic and exciting and fun.
Finally, we believe that there is more to education than merely the curriculum. Educators should help to develop the total person, not just the student. We believe manners and the way people speak to others matter. We believe people should help support great causes and our community. We believe in standing up every morning to say the Pledge of Allegiance and in appreciating the freedom and opportunity we have in this country. We believe that no matter where you begin, with education and a willingness to work, you really can go anywhere.
So, yes, these founding principles of Lake Castle Private School may seem old-fashioned but really are timeless. They hold true now and undoubtedly will into the future. Seeing to that is a tradition we are proud to continue.